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Module Release Announcement: Node Subpages 7.x-2.0-beta1


I've been on a bit of a CTools kick lately, and my latest experiment was Node Subpages.

Node Subpages allows site admins to configure per-content-type subpages that display the contents of a view or a field on the node. The project page has a more complete use case and example links.

I just posted the first 7.x-2.x release, which replaces the subpage content handling with CTools plugins. Previously, only Fields and Views could be used as the content of subpages, and they were the two hard-coded options. They're still the only two options, but the configuration and content for the subpages are provided by plugins. Any module can define additional plugins, though I still need to document how these plugins can be added and what they need to define. Next up, I might add Panels as subpage content, if I can figure out how to pass the node as a context.

Webform A/B Testing was the first module that I switched to use plugins, and that one actually went more smoothly. I started working on this update to Node Subpages at the airport when I was leaving Denver a month ago, but it gave me such grief that I sidelined it for a few weeks. Now, I think it's in pretty good shape but would love to get feedback from other people. I'm the only one who has tried it, so it really needs more testing before I can do a full 7.x-2.0 release. I'd also love feedback on the way I implemented the plugins: I found a few examples for building CTools plugins, and some with differing advice, so I'd be very interested to hear from others who have built modules to make use of plugins.

In any case, the next task for this project will be making the configuration exportable. If a content type is exported into a Features module, it would make sense that the subpage configuration would be included, but that's not the case right now. My plan is to use the CTools Export UI Template example module as a starting point.

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