DrupalDork.com was shut down on September 18, 2013. This is just a snapshot of the site as it appeared then.

Module Release Announcement: Google Reader Shared Items 7.x-1.0


I started this project a couple days ago for use on my personal site. Google Reader has an option to embed some Javascript in your own website to show a list of the items that you've shared, but I didn't like that it had to run a script in the user's browser on every page load.

Thankfully, this embeddable Javascript actually included two files: the first was the code that would actually built out the DOM elements to display the shared items, and the second just contained a JSON object with the list of shared items. The user just needs to paste in the code provided by Google Reader, and the module parses out the part it needs to get the URL for user's shared items as JSON data. It parses this file and displays the list, and since it's block content, it will be cached by Drupal. This means a faster page load for end users.

Thanks to the Coder Upgrade module (part of Coder), I was able to convert the 6.x version to 7.x really quickly. By the end of the evening, it was running on my site (running Drupal 7) and released on Drupal.org.